Every year the department of motor vehicles releases a report called Virginia Driving Trends. This report details the total number of traffic crashes, fatalities and injuries across the Commonwealth of Virginia. It also breaks down the traffic crashes, injuries, and fatalities by locality so each jurisdiction can see the local data.
Traffic Crashes have increased over 5 years.
In 2013, there were a total of 121,763 traffic crashes compared to 2017 which had 127,375. That represents a 5-year increase of 5,612. There was a 1 year decrease from 2016 of 1200. Here is the complete data
Year |
Crashes |
Fatalities |
Injuries |
2013 |
121,763 |
741 |
65,114 |
2014 |
120,282 |
700 |
63,384 |
2015 |
125,800 |
753 |
65,029 |
2016 |
128,525 |
761 |
67,292 |
2017 |
127,375 |
843 |
65,306 |
While the number of traffic crashes decreased from 2016 to 2017, the number of fatalities increased by 82 over 1 year and an increase of 102 over 5 years.
Injuries have remained static
Interestingly, the number of injuries has remained somewhat static over a 5 year period. That number only decreased from 2013-2014, then increased steadily over 2014-2016. But in 2017, that number came back down to 2013 levels even though there were 5,612 more crashes for that year.
These numbers show a staggering trend of increase danger in driving in Virginia.
Considering the statewide increases in traffic crashes must be put in context of our locality which I consider Lynchburg, Bedford, Amherst, Campbell, Nelson, and Appomattox. From those areas, the numbers for 2017 are as follows:
Jurisdiction |
Crashes |
Fatalities |
Injuries |
Amherst |
486 |
4 |
213 |
Appomattox |
164 |
2 |
84 |
Bedford |
974 |
17 |
533 |
Campbell |
818 |
8 |
340 |
Lynchburg |
1,170 |
2 |
771 |
Nelson |
295 |
4 |
101 |
Total |
3,907 |
37 |
2,042 |
These numbers reflect our community where we live, work, and play. It is fairly significant to think that in our six jurisdictions, 37 people lost their lives to traffic crashes in 2017 and 2,042 were injured in traffic crashes. Some of these injuries may be minor and some may be major, but every single person reflected in that number had their life altered in one shape or form.
However, not every person reflected in that number would have a personal injury case. If you are injured in a personal injury case, you have to meet certain criteria to be entitled to compensation for your injuries.
If you need help figuring out if you have a personal injury case worth pursuing, we offer free personal injury consultations. Give us a call, we’d be happy to walk you through the process.