In Virginia, auto accident insurance policies typically include medical pay (Med Pay) coverage. Med Pay is an optional form of insurance that can help cover medical expenses incurred as a result of a motor vehicle accident. This coverage applies regardless of who is at fault for the collision. It covers medical bills up to the amount stated on your policy, Usually that is between $1,000 and $10,000. It pays for prescriptions, ambulance fees and other related costs for you or anyone riding in your car.

Med Pay is the Best Way to Pay for Medical Bills After an Accident
Med Pay does not replace health insurance, but rather acts as a supplement to it. This means that if you need more money for treatments than the amount covered by Med Pay, you may still be able to turn to your regular health plan for additional assistance.
Having enough Med Pay coverage in your Virginia auto accident insurance policy is essential if you are involved in an auto accident.
Med Pay provides financial protection when unexpected medical expenses arise. It guarantees that all eligible Medical Expense Benefit payments are paid promptly after an accident. Now, you can focus on recovery instead of worrying about upcoming bills.
Examples of Med Pay Covering Medical Bills After a Car Accident
Med Pay is often a crucial resource for victims of car accidents. Especially those who lack sufficient health insurance to cover any related medical costs. For example, after a car accident in Lynchburg, Virginia three years ago, one young woman was left with more than $20,000 in medical bills that weren’t covered by her insurance policy. Fortunately, she had opted for the full amount of Med Pay on her auto accident insurance policy. The payment helped her cover all of the necessary treatments to ensure her recovery.
In another case from last year in Bedford County, Virginia, an elderly man was involved in a severe crash. His injuries resulted in the need for multiple surgeries and endless physical therapy sessions. Without Med Pay coverage on his auto accident insurance policy, he likely would have faced thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses. But, because he had enough coverage to meet his needs, he was able to focus on his recuperation instead.
These stories serve as an important reminder of why it’s so important to make sure that you have adequate Medical Expense Benefit coverage. This coverage is not required under your auto accident insurance policy in Virginia. No one should be left struggling with medical bills they can’t afford due to an unexpected auto accident. So everyone should have Medical Expense Benefit coverage.
Without Med Pay, Many Cannot Afford to Medical Bills
Unfortunately, there are far too many stories of individuals who did not have Med Pay coverage on their auto accident insurance policy in Virginia. Those people have suffered tremendous financial hardship as a result. For example, we spoke with one family who was left with more than $25,000 in medical debt after a tragic car accident in which the driver was uninsured.
Without Med Pay coverage, they were unable to cover the costs of necessary treatments. They had to spend years attempting to pay off their medical debt.
Another case involved an injured young man from Richmond who had no health insurance. He faced even greater difficulty in trying to cover the cost of his extensive medical treatments. Without Med Pay coverage on his auto accident insurance policy, he had no other means of assistance. He ended up missing crucial appointments due to a lack of funds.
These examples demonstrate why it’s so important for all drivers in Virginia to make sure they have adequate Medical Expense Benefit coverage on their auto accident insurance policy. No one should be put into such an untenable situation due to an unexpected car accident.